I Listened to ABBA

I’m the kind of person who has 1 or 2 CD she’s really into, puts them into her CD changer in the car, and doesn’t listen to anything else for about 6 months.  Lately, it’s been Taylor Swift mixed in with the occasional Sara Bareilles.

Now, I like Taylor Swift, but I’m not obsessed with her, despite what my music listening habits might convey.  It’s just that most of the CDs I have, I’ve already listened to a thousand times.  And I’m a little lazy.

But today, I said “NO MORE!”  At great cost, I dug through the glove compartment to find a different to CD as all the contents spilled out onto the floor.  But I found an ABBA CD.  I love ABBA.  So the mess was worth it.

So instead of my usual Taylor Swift, I listened to the classically happy music of ABBA during my commute.  

I love ABBA so much.  So many of their songs simply exude happiness!  I also have some really fun memories from a few years ago associated with the songs.  They remind me of some really good friends, a birthday vacation to Australia with my best friend Gingi (check out her blog!), and a cruise through the Mediterranean with my mom.  That was a year filled with some serious transitions, and the year I began to listen to ABBA almost exclusively.

So now that it’s been several years later, it’s fun to re-listen to those songs, sing along, and think of those awesome times and the awesome people I had (and still have!!) in my life. 🙂