I Played in the Mud!

ImageYEAH!!  I played in the MUD!  It was AWESOME!

And I also helped my dad plant some tomatoes.  🙂  It was so much fun!  I love playing in the dirt and planting and such.  Well, once I get motivated to go outside and actually do it!

I spent some good amount of time outside today, which was great considering what a gorgeous day it was!  Perfect temperature, a little warm with a nice cool breeze.  Would be a perfect day to spend reading in a hammock… if we had one set up!  *Note to self: Buy stuff we need to set up our hammock!!*

We planted all kinds of tomatoes: Cherry, Beefsteak, Big Boy, some peppers, and cilantro. They should be ready in about 70 days, so around August 1st, we should have some fresh tomatoes!  YAY!


I also spent some time pruning back some rose bushes we have that have gotten a little wild…  They had grown over our steps that lead directly to our peach tree, and that is simply unacceptable!  I watched a YouTube video on how to prune them, and everything!  So I’m an expert! (not really)  Unfortunately, I kept getting too offended by the bushes poking me with the thorns that I didn’t take TOO much care in pruning them “properly.”  It was mostly me going in with my shears thinking “Take THAT, you stupid bushes!  And THAT! And THAT!!!”  

And now there is a nice clear path down to the newly ripened peaches. 🙂